Superfoods for Top 5 Skin Conditions: Natural Remedies That Can Help

Over the last 12 years we have had so many requests for advice on how to take Superfoods for a spectrum of skin conditions, from eczema and psoriasis to cystic acne and rosacea.

During this time, we have also received a string of amazing reviews from our Bursterfam on their skin wins from regularly taking their Bursts. We love to hear stories of how skin issues are resolved, as well as hearing about unexpected results… 

Organic Burst Skin

We had an awesome review recently, where the Burster told us that her results from having Chlorella daily were similar to Botox – she was actually doubting keeping her upcoming botox appointment! 

Coming up below we cover the main skin issues that crop up regularly, but if you have a different skin situation that doesn’t make an appearance, feel free to email us for a personal recommendation.

In this article you’ll discover:

  • The 4 core focus areas for supporting skin
  • Causes of common skin problems
  • Strategies to target common skin concerns
  • Powerful Superfoods to help
  • Success stories and transformations

The 4 key focus areas that can help you resolve the majority of skin concerns (and get a glowing, youthful and clear complexion):

1. Detoxification

It’s easy to forget that skin is an organ, performing many vital protective functions, constantly growing new cells, secreting oil and sweat! As well as its protective mechanisms, the skin acts as a secondary detoxification organ, pushing out excess toxins when our primary detoxers – the liver, kidneys and bowel get overloaded.

Pimples, breakouts, rashes and more serious conditions such as eczema and psoriasis often show up when the liver needs support. 

    2. Gut health

    One of the key protective functions of the skin is to provide a barrier against the outside world and it is closely linked to the health of our intestinal barrier, which does a similar job but inside the body.

    When the gut is irritated and inflamed (often from eating processed or allergenic foods and drinks that disrupt the protective good gut bacteria) its cells swell and become ‘leaky’ allowing small food particles and toxins into the bloodstream.

    The resulting immune reaction to these foreign bodies causes redness, rosacea, eczema. There is a strong link between poor gut bacteria and these conditions. 

      3. Hormone balance

      Any woman who gets PMS is familiar with the monthly skin breakouts that can occur due to changes in hormone levels and more oil being produced in our skin. Other dramatic fluctuations in hormones can cause pimples and acne, such as puberty, pregnancy, postpartum, weaning from breastfeeding and menopause.

        4. Nourishment with skin foods

        Premature ageing, fine lines, wrinkles, age spots and dull or slack skin can be signs that it is not getting enough nourishment and hydration. 

        Supporting your skin in fighting free radicals from UV rays and pollution by increasing antioxidants can help to return your natural glow. Other important skin nourishment includes foods containing Vitamins A, C and E, essential fatty acids and drinking enough water and electrolytes.

        👉 Find out how to approach your own skin concerns, choose the best Superfoods to help, and practical hacks to boost your skin... read on!

        Common Skin Concern 1: Breakouts, Pimples and Acne

        Breakouts are often a sign that the liver is under pressure, which can be from too much caffeine, alcohol, fruit sugars, or exposure to toxins in cosmetics.

        Forehead pimples are often a sign of digestive issues and overgrowth of “bad” gut bacteria.

        When the cheeks and chin flare up, it signals a hormonal imbalance.


        Chlorella are micro algae that have nourished and sustained life on our planet for billions of years. They have the amazing ability to help balance gut flora and support the liver in removing toxins from the body. Studies showed Chlorella can offer "significant protective effects on the intestinal mucosa” - said to be our body’s second skin (Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009).

        It is packed with chlorophyll that alkalises the body and was shown in a 2014 study to enhance the effects of light therapy treatment in reducing acne severity.

        Have ½-1 tsp (4-8 tablets) daily (start with ½ tsp or 4 tablets for a few days before gradually increasing), have the powder in lemon water or add to a green juice or smoothie, or simply swallow our pure tablets (nothing added) with water.


        This powerful root from Peruvian Andes nourishes the pituitary gland to stimulate our other glands including the adrenals, ovaries and testes to produce hormones at the correct levels for the person taking it.

        This means it can help with skin issues caused by all types of hormonal imbalances including stress breakouts and PMS.

        Have 1-2 tsp daily (4-8 capsules). We suggest going for the larger dose of 2 tsp / 8 capsules if you are still experiencing symptoms after x4 weeks. The powder is perfect in a mug of warm plant mylk, or added to oatmeal, yoghurt and any breakfast bowl. For convenience when on-the-go, try our easy swallow capsules with water.


        Wheatgrass are young but super potent shoots of the wheat plant - cherished for its benefits for over 5,000 years. It was prized by the Pharaohs of Egypt for rejuvenation and has been a key part of many detox and vitality programs for the past century!

        acked with chlorophyll that alkalises the body and supports our detoxification organs. Wheatgrass visibly clears the skin because its Vitamin A, Vitamin C and chlorophyll aid speedy recovery from breakouts and the fading of dark marks and scarring. (Wheatgrass is harvested before the plant produces any grain so it is wheat- and gluten-free despite the name!) 

        Have 1-2 tsp (4-8 capsules) first thing in the morning to have the biggest impact. Mix 1tsp with your Chlorella and lemon water for a super skin boost, or add to any fresh juice or smoothie. Try our veggie capsules for ease – x4 swallowed with water.  

        Other helpers and hacks:

        • Ensure you have a clean diet full of vegetables and fruits. Avoid sugar, refined grains, junk food and sodas as much as possible.
        • Try blue LED light therapy that can be done at home with LED devices or masks. Sonic waves can loosen dirt and oil trapped in pores and increase circulation to the problem areas. 
        • When making your morning green juice (adding in your Chlorella and Wheatgrass), choose some of these cleansing skin friendly ingredients: celery, cucumber, beetroot, fennel, parsley.

        Common Skin Concern 2: Eczema 

        The dry, broken, sore and itchy skin of eczema indicates an imbalance in gut bacteria and irritation in the gut which triggers an immune response throughout the body. The strain on the immune system means less effective healing and repair of damaged cells so skin can take a long time to improve.


        A powerful root used in Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine that supports the immune system, helps with headaches, period cramps and even low mood.

        Numerous studies show that Turmeric switches off the over-stimulation of the immune system, to calm redness and irritation throughout the body. It is extremely high in antioxidants to help protect our cells, and has been shown to support the skin’s natural ability to regenerate.

        Have 1-2 tsp (4-8 capsules) daily – either use the powder in cooking, or try our 4-ingredient skin clearing drink: 1tsp Turmeric, 1tsp Maca, 1tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar and 100ml hot water – whisk and drink.

        Alternatively try our pure capsules x4 daily or boost the effects with our Super Turmeric capsules that include cumin, black pepper and ginger.


        Helps to balance gut bacteria for a healthy microbiome. Boosts digestion to remove more toxins and irritants from the bowel. Chlorella contains skin nutrients to aid healthy cell turnover including Vitamin A, iron and zinc. 

        Have 1-2 servings daily morning and evening for the biggest impact (start on ½ serving for a few days before gradually increasing), have the powder in lemon water or add to a green juice or smoothie, or simply swallow the pure tablets (nothing added) with water.

        Acai Berry

        This berry from the Amazon rainforest contains powerful antioxidant polyphenols and Vitamin E that can help fight inflammation and free radicals. It has a super high ORAC (measure of antioxidant capacity) of 70,000 as well as Omega fats to nourish damaged skin.

        Add 1tsp to your breakfast bowl, smoothie, add to a homemade salad dressing, or simply swallow x4 of our handy capsules daily. 

        Other helpers and hacks:

        • Try reducing or eliminating the 2 most common triggers for gut irritation = dairy foods and gluten-containing foods. There are plenty of alternatives such as plant mylks, coconut yoghurt, cashew cream, and gluten-free grains include buckwheat, rice, oats and millet. 
        • Kombucha helps to heal and nourish the gut lining with probiotic bacteria, a powerful drink to combat inflamed skin.
        • Avocados contain good fats and Vitamin E to support dry skin conditions.

        Common Skin Concern 3: Redness, Inflamed Skin and Rosacea 

        If you suffer from rosacea or red and inflamed skin, it’s likely that digestive issues such as abdominal bloating, constipation and gastric reflux are also flaring up. Stress is also a factor because high cortisol can trigger inflammation in the skin and the widening of blood vessels – increasing redness.


        There are numerous studies that show Turmeric switches off the over-stimulation of the immune system, to calm redness and irritation. It can even help if the flare up is causing pain. 

        Have 1-2 servings daily – use the powder in curries, rice, oatmeal, smoothies, or try our skin clearing drink (recipe in the previous section). Alternatively try our pure capsules x4 daily or boost the effects with our Super Turmeric capsules that include cumin, black pepper and ginger. 


        A powerful digestive booster, Ginger has been found to combat H pylori, a common bacteria to which rosacea sufferers often have hypersensitivity. 

        Enjoy 1-2 tsp (4-8 capsules) daily, 1/2hr before a meal to boost the effects. Go for the handy capsules x4 swallowed with water or add 1tsp to food. Try 1tsp Ginger in a cup of hot water with lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, and a dash of maple syrup.


        Helps to boost healthy gut bacteria, minimizing the strains of bacteria that may set off a skin flare up, whilst grabbing toxins and irritants from the bowel to reduce immune system triggers. 

        Have 1-2 servings daily morning and evening for the biggest impact (start on ½ serving for a few days before gradually increasing), have the powder in lemon water or add to a green juice or smoothie, or simply swallow the pure tablets (nothing added) with water.

        Acai Berry

        This berry gives the skin a healthy glow thanks to its powerful antioxidants, Omega fats, and Vitamin E that nourish and soothe red, irritated skin. 

        Add 1tsp to your breakfast bowl, smoothie, add to a homemade salad dressing, or simply swallow x4 of our handy capsules daily. 

        Other helpers and hacks:

        • Look into an anti-histamine diet as high-histamine foods including alcohol, chocolate, meat and tomatoes are connected with rosacea flare-ups.
        • Azelaic acid has been found to be an effective treatment for rosacea in clinical studies. It’s available over the counter at pharmacies – apply 2x daily to clear skin. 
        • Try serums and creams containing Centella Asiatica leaf or liquorice extract. 
        • IPL therapy as a clinical or at-home treatment shows excellent results with redness and balancing out skin tone.

        Common Skin Concern 4: Psoriasis

        Chronic inflammation is present in this painful skin condition where patches of thick, red, scaly skin develop that can be itchy and sore. It is known to be related to immune system problems (as discussed relating to eczema above) and flares up in times of stress.


        The king of Medicinal Mushrooms, this fungus is a huge helper in managing the negative effects of stress, for fewer flare ups. It contains betuloninc acid to help restore and regenerate skin. Double win!

        Have ½ -1 tsp (2-4 capsules) daily. Either x2 handy veggie capsules or ½ tsp in hot water as a healthy alternative to coffee. (You can also add it into your coffee or preferred drink.)  

        Try this gorgeous face mask: Add 1tsp Chaga to 1tbsp of coconut or your chosen base oil (we like almond oil too) and apply to your face with fingers or a makeup brush. Leave for 15mins, then rinse off with tepid water. 


        A study from 2000 found that a gel containing an extract from Turmeric resolved psoriasis in 90% of those studied (British Journal of Dermatology). It is proven that Turmeric can modulate the immune system when it is in overdrive, making it perfect to help calm flare ups, and help skin recover.

        Have 1-2 servings daily – use the powder in curries, rice, oatmeal, smoothies, or try our skin clearing drink (recipe above). Alternatively try our pure capsules x4 daily or boost the effects with our Super Turmeric capsules that include cumin, black pepper and ginger. 

        Try adding a little Turmeric powder to the moisturizer you use on affected areas. 


        Supports the liver and bowel in removing toxins from the body, this is a vital step in taking the pressure off the detoxification mechanisms to relieve psoriasis. By improving the balance of gut bacteria, Chlorella helps to reduce the triggers for inflammation in the gut. 

        Have 1-2 servings daily (start on ½ serving for a few days before gradually increasing), have the powder in lemon water or add to a green juice or smoothie, or simply swallow the pure tablets (nothing added) with water.  

        Other helpers and hacks:

        • Take a 20-30 minute bath once a week with ½ cup magnesium flakes, ½ cup baking soda and a few drops of tea tree oil. This will detoxify and soothe the skin in cases of psoriasis.
        • Eat a handful of pumpkin seeds daily. These are a phenomenal source of zinc that helps us make collagen to clear up psoriasis.
        • Follow an anti-inflammatory diet including plenty of berries, leafy greens, and Omega-3 fats. 

        Common Skin Concern 5: Early Wrinkles, Fine Lines and Age Spots

        Exposure to UV rays, polluted air from busy roads, smoke, computer screen light, radiation from air travel, X-rays, etc. can cause free radical damage to the skin – the main source of these classic signs of ageing. Other contributors include lack of adequate antioxidants, dehydration, and holding tension in the facial muscles e.g. squinting!


        A medicinal mushroom, famous for its anti-ageing benefits, Chaga is packed with antioxidants that combat free radicals (the primary cause of wrinkles) and stimulates collagen that wanes with age.  

        Have ½ -1 tsp (=2-4 capsules) daily. It is a perfect alternative to coffee, simply dissolve ½ tsp powder in hot water, or add to your favourite hot drink. The capsules are handy on the move, simply take x2 with a glass of water. 


        Chlorella can plump up the skin and reduce wrinkles. It was found to significantly increase elasticity and moisture content of the skin in a 2013 Japanese study. Researchers also found a significant decrease in the depth of wrinkles after 2 weeks of using Chlorella on the face (Medicine and Biology Journal).

        For incredible nourishment and glow, try mixing 1tsp Chlorella powder with ¼ avocado and apply to the face. Leave on for 15 mins before rinsing with warm water.  

        Acai Berry

        Acai is packed with powerful antioxidants that are vital for neutralising free radicals that cause damage, loss of moisture and wrinkles. Acai is one of the few fruits that contains essential fatty acids omegas-3-6 and omega-9 oleic acid, to nourish the skin and boost your radiance.

        A study published in 2017 in the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology found Açai berries “to be able to strongly protect cells from oxidative stress” when exposed to UV-A radiation and may help “in the prevention of age related skin damage.”

        Add 1tsp to your breakfast bowl, smoothie, add to a homemade salad dressing, or simply swallow x4 of our handy capsules daily. You can increase to x2 servings daily when in the sun, flying or exposed to pollution.   


        A unique fruit that contains electrolyte minerals and Vitamin C to help hydrate the body and plump the skin by aiding the production of collagen.

        Have 1tbsp in 1litre bottle of water and drink during the day, especially if you’re in the sun or working out.  

        Other helpers and hacks:

        • Sunglasses and sunscreen are a must to protect the face from wrinkles. Choose a mineral-based option without the harmful chemicals found in regular products. 
        • Practice face yoga to support the facial muscles, tightening up the skin, preventing ageing and sagging. Search online for videos, techniques or courses to suit your routine.
        • Go to bed at 10pm regularly to produce optimal amounts of melatonin and human growth hormones (HGH). Our bodies rely on HGH to produce collagen that we need for skin regeneration. 
        • Add LED red light therapy to your routine. This is causing a sensation in skincare right now with people investing in LED masks to wear at home as an effective anti-ageing treatment. Salons offer the treatment too if you’re keen to give it a try. 

        👉 Do you feel motivated to make the changes you need to see and feel improvements?

        Get inspiration from some of our loyal Bursters who have turned their skin around with our Superfoods... read on!

        Hear from our Bursters:

        My skin was clear and glowy after 3 days of taking your Wheatgrass!! I don't use a foundation anymore because I don't need to hide pimples or break outs 🥰 they are all gone.”

        Sydney @sydney_sharon

        I saw a post on your profile about Chlorella clearing toxins so I ordered them! I have chronic, and at times debilitating, eczema. Within a week of taking your supplement my eczema had cleared, along with most of the inflammation in my body ❤️”

        Jessica @healthy_hippielife

        I had wrinkles under my eyes and don't see them anymore and my skin just glows like crazy”

        Tony @spiritfilledkid taking Acai Berry

        Oh your Chlorella has absolutely helped with my rosacea!!!!!! I don’t flare up anymore !!!! My skin is smooth and bright !!!!”


        I LOVE your Maca. I’ve always dealt with adult acne and after barely a month on Maca my face FINALLY cleared up!”

        Barb @barb_witbeck

        I take it [Baobab] everyday for immunity. With the chlorella it makes my skin look amazing.”

        Nicki on Instagram @hknocka7812

        Chlorella, my psoriasis worst enemy cleared a 4 year old flare up for me!!”

        Melissa @melkurls

        They [Ginger and Turmeric] have both helped with my migraines skin eczema and mood swings”

        Naomi @naomijazmine